Monday, October 3, 2016

One love. One heart.

"ऐ काश कहीँ ऐसा होता के २ दिल होते सीने में"

Well this song may serve as an anthem to those who have had their hearts broken. But heart is one. And unaware we are constantly tinkering with its health. The teenagers may be doing it emotionally, the adults may be doing it physically. It shouldn't be hurt- not emotionally not physically. Lets pledge to put an end to the horrific treatment that we render to our helpless heart. But before that lets understand what makes our heart unhealthy. 

As we all know, heart is a blood pumping organ that transports everything important to our body cells for sustaining life. It carries oxygen, it carries waste material, it carries nutrients, it carries hormones and what not. Life will come to a standstill if these don't get transported to different organs- specially to brain. Now lets take an analogy: "the drainage system of your building". What shall happen if there is any kind of clogging in the pipes or if the pressure is low? It stops functioning or faces difficulty in pumping the water. Our circulatory system works exactly in the same manner. The blood vessels need to be cleaned from inside so that it allows free-flow of blood. 

Here are the few tips that I believe should be followed to keep a healthy heart:

Staying Active: We all know it is the cholesterol that gets our vessels clogged. To avoid cholesterol the best way is to stay active. Either by exercising daily or by choosing a profession that requires some kind of physical activity. If physical activity is not possible at least walk to your office. This is the least one should do. Staying mentally active is another dimension which should not be ignored.

Eating Better: No alternative to healthy diet. Fruits, Salads, low fat alternatives. The options are endless. The point to note is that diets are always very personal. So instead of advising I must ask you to find the best diet for yourself. Read online articles. Take help from people from your community or people who share similar eating habits. Or best go to a dietitian. It will definitely save you thousands.

Staying Happy: Now emotional stress can also lead to ineffective circulation. Laughing helps us circulate better so subscribing to laughter shows of Kapil Sharma or John Oliver should be a very good option. Other advice that I normally give is to follow short series which are in abundant in youtube.

So what are you waiting for. Lets pledge for a healthy heart and let the ball rolling.

“I am joining the Saffolalife #ChhoteKadam initiative in association withBlogAdda and follow these small steps for a healthy heart.”

Wealthy health

Maintaining health is not an alien concept. The notions such as 'Health over wealth', 'Worship your body', 'Healthy outside starts from the inside' are acknowledged by almost everybody but how many of us actually care. 

The situation is pretty serious for the urban population of India. The focus of urban lifestyle in India is not on 'fitness' unlike the Americans or the Europeans who embrace physical activity as a necessary part of their life. The local concept of lifestyle is mundane and full of erroneous pretensions. Some of us do get motivated by the fantasy of a muscular body but it doesn't last long. How can the motivation that lays its foundation on transitory fantasies can sustain for a long duration? 

How do we exactly deal with this? In my opinion, only if the basic concept "Health=Wealth" can be infused tactfully in the DNA of the society, there will be a visible impact. This has to be the primary step. A good analogy would be the obsession towards diamond rings or going to a restaurant; like there has to be a diamond ring when you are engaged or there has to be a posh a-la-carte outing if you are taking someone on a date. Who has set these rules? Nobody knows but are still accepted by the society. Similarly if the rule of wealth determination can be linked to the health and fitness of an individual, people would start taking health more seriously. No external motivation will then be needed. 

The changes in the lifestyle has to be filtered through the funnel of habit/discipline. Some of the routine level changes that should be done to enhance the fitness score of your heart could be
  • Staying Active: Running: As someone has rightly said, "Obesity doesn't run in the family. The problem is nobody runs in your family." Running is a very basic need of our body to maintain our sedentary lifestyle. A half an hour of daily running should be enough.
  • Eating Better: Diet: I concur with the temptation of eating food that are total disaster to our body. But the least that we can do is to adopt few resolutions that can really give us results. Some of them can be absolute rejection of colas, less sugar in the beverages, less oil in the food and no or limited cheese. Once in a while is fine, but it should always be kept under control. Eating habits: Some people are compulsive eaters. They need something to munch. Something should go down the throat every now and then. For them my suggestion would be to keep fruits at home, at work so that whenever the desire to eat erupts, the fruit can be the savior. 
  • Being Happy: Subscribe to few youtube channels which promote comical gigs and stand-ups. The talent that we have is simply unbelievable. Stay happy. Stay away from depressing thoughts.
No need for hundred of tips. If the above three can be internalized, the results can be seen in few weeks. So bunk the idea of joining a gym for quick results rather embrace the above steps as improving and maintaining health is not a one-step manifestation but a non-stop carnival.

“I am joining the Saffolalife #ChhoteKadam initiative in association with BlogAdda and follow these small steps for a healthy heart.”