Recently I saw a ferry service hosting a party on its deck, randomly trotting from one river bank to another. It was the first time I was watching a party hosted on water and that too within the heart of the city. That image was some revelation for me and enough to titillate my creative brain. ‘I am going to host my best birthday party ever in a moving vehicle en route to Goa' was my first reaction off that visual. But then the very next moment brought me back to the world of reality and practicality. How can someone throw a party inside a car? However it doesn’t hurt to be a bit imaginative in your life. And when there is Renault Lodgy to complement my scheme of imagination, where's the worry? Frankly, if I have to list down 5 things that I’ll carry in Renault Lodgy, it will be tough to choose between endless options but still, here it goes:

2. Cheer leaders: No I am not planning to host any supplementary cricket match inside the car, in case you are wondering wild. But hey! I am not going to let go of the opportunity to experience the easy to operate MediaNAV multimedia system. And well! If there is music in the car, there’s got to be someone who can resonate with that sound. Isn't it?
3. Home-made wine: Now coming back to the realistic carriage of things inside the car, how should I utilize the 30L of actual storage space? The tastiest strawberry wine in the world is made at my home. Why should I not boast of such a thing to all the party hoppers?
4. Tons of awards: The plan is to end the party with an announcement of the people who would have helped taking the party a notch higher. It may not be awards like IIFA but who doesn’t like to be recognized even if it is for something like 'the best party man’.
5. Dignity and respect: The party will be hell lot of fun for sure. But whether it can be organized in a dignified manner must be the important question for many. Thanks to the style and features of Lodgy that it is cool enough to carry off everything with dignity and respect. Now that's what I call Lodgycal!
Now the list above may be a bit crazy, but I think you got what I am trying to say. Hop on guys, the newest model by Renault is just the thing you need to turn around your lifestyle.
the crazy party planner
Btw, "I’m participating in the #LiveLodgycal contest with Renault in association with BlogAdda to get a chance to be a part of the #LiveLodgycal Drive in Goa"
Source of Images:, bangingbeats.wordpress, vi.sualize
Now the list above may be a bit crazy, but I think you got what I am trying to say. Hop on guys, the newest model by Renault is just the thing you need to turn around your lifestyle.
the crazy party planner
Btw, "I’m participating in the #LiveLodgycal contest with Renault in association with BlogAdda to get a chance to be a part of the #LiveLodgycal Drive in Goa"
Source of Images:, bangingbeats.wordpress, vi.sualize
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