The way that I look at Zapstore is that it's definitely a fresh concept. The idea to merge social networking with e-commerce is something that I feel should work. Whether it happens or not depends highly on how the idea is received by the general public. The driving factor would again be the users just like how a normal online forum is dependent on the number of users rather than the content.
Coming straight to the point, in continuation to my last post, let me share with you few more items that I have added to my store:
We are so disillusioned by our life that we fail to appreciate the value of time. Only in retrospect that we wonder that we could have done this and that. Weekends come and go and we have no answer to the question "How did we spend the 2 day off from work?" Envy those bike trips that your friends are taking every weekend? I think it's high time that if nothing else at least start with a bike trip early in the morning. There is no traffic to stop you and very less crowd to bother you. And mornings look so beautiful. But you need that perfect bike for the adventure. Here's a deal which I find very attractive.

I have used printers at home and trust me it's a task to manage your printer if you are not printing regularly. If you buy a normal printer you'll end u wasting a lot of money on cartridges and inks. Seriously. The value of the printer is nothing if you are being harassed by those expensive and useless printer cartridges. The best thing in my opinion is to buy an expensive printer- a laser printer- which gives you a piece of mind. The printing cost per page is less and the hassle to manage is almost negligible. Here's a laser printer you can think about buying:

Voracious reader? This term used to define you but you are so lazy nowadays that you don't spend time on a new book. But there's a way to re-ignite your passion for reading. Buy a kindle. This will force you to read a new book. Of course it will, particularly because now that you have already spent money over it. And steadily you can get back to your hobby of reading.

Now that I have shared my desired products with you, why don't you go and create a profile for your own. Who knows you might become a celebrity in this space! People may start following you and you keep getting the credits that you deserve.
Once again to reach out to my store, click here.
Coming straight to the point, in continuation to my last post, let me share with you few more items that I have added to my store:
We are so disillusioned by our life that we fail to appreciate the value of time. Only in retrospect that we wonder that we could have done this and that. Weekends come and go and we have no answer to the question "How did we spend the 2 day off from work?" Envy those bike trips that your friends are taking every weekend? I think it's high time that if nothing else at least start with a bike trip early in the morning. There is no traffic to stop you and very less crowd to bother you. And mornings look so beautiful. But you need that perfect bike for the adventure. Here's a deal which I find very attractive.
I have used printers at home and trust me it's a task to manage your printer if you are not printing regularly. If you buy a normal printer you'll end u wasting a lot of money on cartridges and inks. Seriously. The value of the printer is nothing if you are being harassed by those expensive and useless printer cartridges. The best thing in my opinion is to buy an expensive printer- a laser printer- which gives you a piece of mind. The printing cost per page is less and the hassle to manage is almost negligible. Here's a laser printer you can think about buying:
Voracious reader? This term used to define you but you are so lazy nowadays that you don't spend time on a new book. But there's a way to re-ignite your passion for reading. Buy a kindle. This will force you to read a new book. Of course it will, particularly because now that you have already spent money over it. And steadily you can get back to your hobby of reading.
Now that I have shared my desired products with you, why don't you go and create a profile for your own. Who knows you might become a celebrity in this space! People may start following you and you keep getting the credits that you deserve.
Once again to reach out to my store, click here.
“I am making my own store for the #BestZapStore activity at BlogAdda in association with Zapstore. ”
Nice post, things explained in details. Thank You.