Monday, July 6, 2015

Health benefits of honey

I must say that staying in Bangalore has a certain advantage over other cities as far as blogging is concerned. It was because of Bangalore only that I finally got a chance to intrude into one of those bloggers' meeting organized by Indiblogger. As usual, this meeting was also hosted by a big banner and this time it was 'Dabur'. The location they chose was one of the most famous hotels of Bangalore so there was no reason to give that meeting a miss. However I didn't go to the place with just one agenda. The motive to present myself in the coterie of talented bloggers was not just being there and network but it was also to learn about the health benefits of honey which was the main theme of the even. Having gained some weight in the last couple of years I have recently started showing some respect to my body. A session on eating healthy was just the thing I needed. And I must admit that it was indeed quite an informative and helpful session. As far as blogger's meeting and interaction is concerned I would be honest to say that I had expected more. Nevertheless the participation was still very enthusiastic, just that it could have been more interactive.

Now coming to the main theme of the event: Why honey and why Dabur honey? allow me to summarize everything in two sentences to the best of my understanding:

"You can (and you should) literally replace all your artificial sugar intake with honey. Even if you are planning to get rid of sugar completely, you should not ignore honey. And Dabur honey because of their market reputation and quality certification that they have recently received from food experts of our country." 

Now with regards to the details, allow me to thank Miss Pooja, the expert dietitian and Mr Shashank, senior product manager (Dabur) for hosting the session explaining everything in a very lucid manner. They explained it very clear why honey with warm water at the break of your morning is the first thing one must do to give a good kick start to the day. Other benefits of including honey in your diet were the following:
  • The premise of having honey rests on the fact that we are not physiologically perfect to sustain a diet which doesn't suit our lifestyle. One can avoid having sweet for 3 or 4 days but on the 5th day one would certainly get an urge to have a big muffin or some pastry. This completely ruins the calorie saving that one was planning for those 3-4 days. However keeping honey a part of diet keeps that urge away, at least physiologically, because it can help in smoothing out the blood sugar level throughout the day. The sugar levels never rise or fall to a disproportionate level which helps in keeping our urges away. 
  • Honey is not just fructose but contains a number of other nutrients such as vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals etc. 
  • Its anti-microbial property helps in keeping away harmful micro-organisms.
  • Its neutral acidic property maintains the alkali balance of our body and also aids digestion
Well it cannot be denied that honey deserves a place in our diet. Ayurveda also gives a thumbs up to honey. But the current penetration is too low in India which certainly needs to be improved.

An image of the event:

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