Saturday, August 20, 2016

'Find an Idol' but follow your philosophical guide

Those days "Find an idol" was the ideal way to boost your career. Be like someone. Look at that cousin of yours who is doing so good in life. He topped the college and now he is doing wonders at the corporate level.

We all have that one cousin or uncle who makes everyone envious in the family. And suddenly for no reason they get inaccessible as apparently they are too busy to talk.

We can idolize them but they never turn out to be our true guide. In fact this is the reality that we must accept. The true guidance doesn't always have to come from the most successful people. But those who failed are more truthful. They can be your true guide because they have explored something which successful people haven't - the experience of failing, the reasons of failure and the small successes that they have been able to enjoy. They always have time to guide you. They are always present to share their stories. Their stories are always accompanied by a message- a message which warns you to not commit the same mistakes. 

In my experience I too have come across both kind of personalities. I won't call them successful or unsuccessful only because they could achieve something which society finds very attractive. Lets call them people with different experiences. And if you want to gain something big in your life, you should be ready to experience everything- from the highest high to the lowest low. This is important to understand there is nobody in this planet who have tasted success all the while. People learn from mistakes. The learning is what makes them grow bigger. 

A senior friend of mine was someone who helped me throughout. He helped me make the right choices. Apparently he had taken some wrong decisions which he was trying to correct. During the peak of his career he was not able to prioritize and couldn't balance his personal life with the career choices. The time he should have spent in defining his career, he spent over a girl he got too attached to. The experience ruined him from within. The 6 months period following his break-up destroyed his mental as well as physical peace. And this was not the only wrong decision he took. Because of his relationships he chose finance as his career line which was not his calling. He was an exceptional coder and he loved doing it. But he made a lot of wrong decisions by not following up his dreams.

Everyone needs a philosophical guide in their career. The counselor can tell you what to do and what not to. But only a philosophical guide can show you- 'why' and 'how'.

“I am blogging about my dreams and the people who helped make them true for the #AdviceThatMattered activity at BlogAdda in association with Stoodnt.”

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